属类:经济金融-Education Report 教育报道-柬埔寨年轻人在滑板中学会人生
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:自作聪明
属类:时事政治-React趣味英语-趣味建议React 第197期:怎么才能将《Uptown Fun
属类:学习英语-Words And Their Stories 词汇掌故-词汇掌故:拳击相关表达
1 | 伯克:“你知道,首次站上滑板是相当艰巨的。当他们首次遇到坡道,这是相当可怕的。这相当于教育他们,‘嘿,你会摔下来很多次,但你一定要站起来。’” | RORY BURKE: "You know, it’s pretty daunting to get on a skateboard for the first time. And then when they drop in for the first time and ride some of the ramps, it’s pretty scary. It kind of teaches them, ’Hey, you’re going to fall down a bunch, but you’ve got to get back up.’" | |
2 | ||但是如果something smarts,它就会对身体或精神造成伤害。如果你不小心绊到椅子并且摔倒,你可能会喊,“噢!||好痛!”或者如果有朋友说的话伤害了你的感情,你可以说这些伤人的话让你好难过。实际上,可能这个人就不再是你的朋友。 | ||But if something smarts, it can be unkind or hurtful, either physically or mentally. If you accidentally trip over a chair and fall down , you might shout, "Ow!|| That smarts!" Or if a friend says something that hurts your feelings, you can say you are smarting from the hurtful comments. In fact, maybe that person is no longer your friend. | |
3 | 让史上最糟糕的歌手为你演唱这首歌,这样一来你就会跌倒,然后忘记这首歌。 | Get the most worst singer ever to sing it for you and then you’ll fall down and forget about it. | |
4 | 在拳击比赛中,擂台上有三个人,其中两名拳手和一名裁判员。裁判员要确保拳手遵守比赛规则。如果情况对其中一名拳手来说过于危险,他(她)可以取消比赛。如果一名拳手被打到在地倒主裁判就会倒数十下(读秒)让他站起来。 | During a fight, there are three people in the ring – two boxers and a referee. The referee makes sure the boxers obey the rules of the sport. He or she can cancel, or call off, a fight if things get too unsafe or risky for one of the boxers.|| And if a fighter is hit so hard that they fall down , the referee gives the person a count of 10 to get up.|| | |
5 | “马拉松运动员就是跑到倒下为止,”她说。 | "Marathoners run until they fall down , " she said. | |
6 | “如果标准得到坚持,如果没有偷工减料,那么学校校舍不会是首先坍塌的建筑物。”他说。 | "If standards were adhered to and corners not cut, then schools would not be the first to fall down , " he says. | |
7 | “如果它发生在北京,那我估计即使没有一半的楼房倒塌,至少也会有三分之一。” | "If it happened in Beijing, then I reckon if half of the buildings didn’t fall down , then at least one-third would. " | |
8 | 巴里医生时常说:“从临床的立场上看,只要你不摔跤,那骨骼脆弱点又有什么关系呢!” | Most of the time, Dr. Barry says, "fragile bones don’t matter, from a clinical standpoint, if you don’t fall down . " | |
9 | 从高处落下 | a. Fall down from height | |
10 | 但IQ测试并不能测量在实际生活中做出判断所需要的那些至关重要的能力。 | But the tests fall down when it comes to measuring those abilities crucial to making good judgements in real-life situations. | |
11 | 但是雨水,正如任何房主所认识的那样危险,它不仅仅从天而降:它无孔不入,爱走偏门。 | But rain, as any homeowner learns to their peril, doesn’t just fall down : it flows sideways and slant-wise. | |
12 | 当我抽出来一本美国诗人庞德的诗歌集时,紧贴其的一本薄薄小册子掉了下来,这是庞德翻译的中国古典诗词集。 | When I picked up a poetry of an American poet P , a book near it fall down , that is a Chinese classical poetry translated by p . | |
13 | 当心别掉下去。 | Look out not to fall down . | |
14 | 跌倒了,就重新站起来,继续向前走,傻坐在地上是没用的。 | When you fall down , you just gotta get back up and keep on going. There’s no sense in just sitting there. | |
15 | 跌倒七次,第八次的时候站起来。——日本格言 | Fall down seven times, stand up eight. -Japanese proverb | |
16 | 儿童最初走路时,步履蹒跚容易跌倒。 | When the child first starts to walk they usually walk a little and then fall down . | |
17 | 而且每一回,儿子都走得非常干净利索,连中途掉下来的可能性都不存在。 | Every time he seemed to walk very quickly and smoothly without the least possibility that he would fall down . | |
18 | 敢于把自己的想法付诸实践:这将会使你成为一名伟大的摄影师。 | Put your ideas on film and fall down a few times; it will make you a great filmmaker. | |
19 | 很多防晒霜在UVA防护上根本不起作用。 | Many sunscreens especially fall down when it comes to UVA protection. | |
20 | 后来,泰勒不小心造成醉酒女孩摔下楼梯,他吓坏了。 | Later, Tyler freaked out when he accidentally caused a drunk girl to fall down the stairs. | |
21 | 回到那个时间,四十年代,我们深信自己已经被抛弃,注定要跌倒,要掉东西,不长记性,还胡思乱想。 | Back then, in the forties, we believed we were already forsaken, destined to fall down , drop things, forget, and misplace our minds. | |
22 | 建筑师建造的大楼倒塌,医生使病人致残,这些都会使他们承担某种不良后果。 | Architects whose buildings fall down and doctors who maim their patients tend to suffer some sort of consequence. | |
23 | 将宽的一头从圈里穿过由短边和你脖子形成的圈,然后让宽边自然下垂到前面。 | Direct the wide end around behind the skinny end and up through the loop around your neck, letting the wide end fall down the front. | |
24 | 她用断断续续的波兰语说,那样的话她的头发就会全部散下来。 | She points out, in broken Polish, that her hair will fall down . | |
25 | 刻度表的右侧是一个电门和一盏指示灯——拨动这个电门可以放下乘客的氧气面罩。 | To the right of that is a switch and a light -- flip the switch to make the passenger oxygen valves fall down from the ceiling. | |
26 | 目前,大多数寺庙和宝塔都处在恶劣的环境下,而且急需抢修保护,否则它们就会坍塌。 | Presently, a majority of temples and Pagoda are in deplorable conditions and are in dire need of urgent repair lest they fall down . | |
27 | 生活中所有快乐的东西都变得对你不利。 | Drinking too much makes you fall down . Almost all of life’s pleasures turn out to be bad for you. | |
28 | 首先,平心静气地说,记者并不是唯一失职的群体。 | First, by way of mitigation, journalists were not the only ones to fall down on the job. | |
29 | 首先,如果用木头盖,房子可能会倒;第二,如果他想要一座房子,我们可以再设计一个。 | I thought (a) it might fall down if made of wood and (b) if he wants a house we will design another one. | |
30 | 摔倒了又怎样,至少我们还年轻。 | So what if we fall down ? At least we are still young. |